Younkin Reunion
Held Father's
Day 2004
7th consecutive Family Reunion for the Clarence Younkin family that grew
in Paynesville, Minnesota. The family currently has 272 living members
the family tree. About seventy-five attend each year's reunion.
Names are from left to right
Submitted by Ken & Dee Scott <danelson@ties2.net>
Click on the photos for a larger view
Family photo of the Clarence Younkin family (youngest to oldest): |
Younkin Elders: Geraldine (wife of the late Donald), Bob, Herb, Bud (husband of the late Helen) and Dorothy Note: Of the 13 children that Clarence and Otilla had, five are living. |
Derek, left, is a ten-year-old cousin from Texas; Keith, Ken & Dee Scott's son, on the manuare spreader with the 357 engine. Ken and Keith built the"novelty" spreader to take to parades. | |
Younkins: Alice, Herb, Kathryn and Bruce | |
Younkins: Bill, Clara, Frank, Alfred and Lynda | |
Mitchell, Chad's fiancée, Chad, Donna and Jodie | |
Younkins: Jenna, Cindy, Arnie, Willie | |
Nelsons (Grandchildren of Georgia): Bobby, Arlette (daughter-in-law), Amanda, Jeremy and Nick |