[JUNGHEN (originally German spelling) is now = Younkin, Youngkin, Youngken, Yonkin, Yonken]
How can we help you?
Thank you for your interest in our family history. There is quite a bit of information about our family here on the web site. But more is available. Come to our annual family reunions and you'll find notebooks after notebooks of our compiled family history. The Family reunions are always held the 4th weekend in July. As well we have an email sharing list you can join and ask any family questions you'd like. I will also be happy to delve into our archives and try to help - but please keep in mind that I now work full time and don't have the time to assist everyone as I did a few years ago. There are LOTS of us interested in helping!
Beginning in the late 1980s we published a family newsletter for all Younkin lines. This was started to assist researchers in two ways: to help new researchers to find their Younkin ancestry & to help experienced researchers to find each other and share information. Over those years we have collected an staggering amount of our family history.
Though we no longer publish the printed version of the newsletter, I'm in
the process of re-creating the past issues of the newsletters into pdf format.
We maintain a database of all Junghen lines (as well as many other allied lines)
and will make every effort to put you in touch with other people with a common
We are most interested in sharing our unique family information such as family
Bible records, written family hsitories, photographs. If you have any thing
along these lines to share please let us know.